Online Tutoring

Stay Home - Stay Safe - Stay Caught Up!

LondonTutor now provides online tutoring sessions to students in the GTA and in SW Ontario including Guelph! I use Skype, Zoom, Google Docs and other collaboration tools to provide real-time help with assignments.

Students typically share written assignments prior to each online session.

During an online session, I help the student read, write and analyze in real time while sharing the results with me.

Video is a valuable tool for online tutoring since it creates a face-to-face experience for the student.

I also follow up each online session by providing feedback on student progree as well as mapping out the next assignment.

No matter what your topic or coursework - literature, history, writing assignments, ESL, Shakespeare, or poetry - online tutoring will help you stay caught up in your studies!

©2020-2022 London Tutor of Canada. All rights reserved.